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Increasing cost pressure in the healthcare system is pushing hospitals, clinics and care facilities to achieve ever higher levels of quality and attractiveness while at the same time reducing costs.

Roderweis Consulting analyses your internal processes – especially in the area of community catering. Based on the results, processes and profitability are optimised, a sustainable level of high quality is ensured and tailor-made concepts for food supply are developed. We advise social and health facilities as well as hotels and the catering trade.

We would be pleased to assist you in outsourcing catering services, to find operating companies and investors for you or to support you in setting up external service companies.


We would be pleased to assist you in outsourcing catering services, to find operating companies and investors for you or to support you in setting up external service companies.

Get in touch with us. We look forward to supporting you!

focus areas
Purchasing optimisation through clustering

By clustering numerous clinics and medical facilities, we are able to offer attractive price reductions. You can benefit from this too!

Supplier Relationship Management System (SRM)
We deal with the strategic planning and central management of supplier relationships. The aim is to make processes between your company and your suppliers as efficient as possible.
Internet-based ordering platform

Use our digital purchasing, information and management platform to manage all sources of supply and purchasing data centrally on a single system.

Create a menu plan and generate order proposals. Stored data on allergens, additives and nutritional content are added to the recipe. Individual favourites lists make the day-to-day routine easier, helping to reduce process costs.

Catering concepts

In order to be able to make sensible use of the diverse catering options in clinics and retirement homes, we have developed new, impressive catering concepts – from the design of the ambience to the choice of food. Our planners optimise the interior design of your facility and give it a new look. This increases the appeal of the facilities as communicative meeting points for other target groups, too.

We would be pleased to make you an individual offer. Simply get in touch with us – we look forward to meeting you!


You can also draw on our longstanding experience in the non-food sector! We would be pleased to support you in purchasing management, price research and achieving optimised supplier prices.

ordering platform

Use our digital purchasing, information and management platform to manage all sources of supply and purchasing data centrally on a single system. Your specialist departments order directly from the supplier using electronic catalogues and in compliance with individually defined approval guidelines. Standard interfaces are used to transfer the data to merchandise management or financial accounting systems.

benefits –

Electronic purchasing processes in the eProcurement environment
Transparent analysis of purchasing processes
Optimisation of purchase prices and reduction of process costs
Simple menu planning
Easy-to-use invoice management
Continuous development of reporting and benchmark scenarios
Clear budget management
Straightforward contract management
Intuitive content management with reliable support
External hosting
and much more besides

groups available
  • Food

  • Medical consumer goods
  • Disinfection and hygiene
  • Household supplies
  • Administrative and office supplies
  • Building services
  • Catering supplies
  • Laundry
  • Workwear
  • Capital goods

  • Canteen kitchens

  • Medical technology

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time for further details.

Contact now

Roderweis Consulting
Unternehmensberatung im Gesundheitswesen
Passauer Str. 33
94121 Salzweg
  • +49 851 - 94 42 90 20
  • +49 171 - 3 17 67 99
  • +49 851 - 94 42 90 21
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.